About Us


Our mission is to share Christ with our church family, community, and throughout the world; to equip believers to minister in our church, community, and world; to experience an increasingly meaningful fellowship with God and fellow believers; to be a church that desires Christ-likeness in daily living; and to send out and support missionaries.



Easter Sunday, 1992 marked the first service of Fellowship Bible Church. At that time, we were known as Bible Fellowship Church, a small group of believers meeting at the Chikaming Elementary School. During that first year, weekly prayer meetings were held in the homes of several couples building our foundation in the Word of God first.

One year later, on Good Friday 1993 we were privileged to begin holding services in a newly remodeled modular building located on Red Arrow Highway just north of Sawyer, MI. That Easter Sunday, we started our Sunday School program. A short time later, the church was renamed to Fellowship Bible Church.

Continuing to grow in God’s word and attendance, a ground breaking service was held for our present church building on April 9th, 2000 on property donated to the church. Many hours of volunteer labor, using Building Fund contributions and an interest-free loan from Independent Bible Mission kicked off the construction at our current site. While the building was still not yet complete in 2001, an Easter Sunrise Service was held in the roughly finished sanctuary. As we gathered to remember Christ’s power to rise over death, we were able to see the permanent structure of our church rising also.

On July 8th, 2001, the first full service was held in the new church building with Pastor Richard Gordon presiding. And, praise God for his faithfulness in this journey, July 29th, 2001 we celebrated the completion of our new facility with a Dedication Service.



We believe that the Bible is God’s verbally inspired Word, our sole rule of faith and practice.

We believe in the Deity and Humanity of Jesus Christ.

We believe that salvation is the gift of God received through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in the second coming of Christ.